RIDE Adventures Tours & Rentals

Now on YouTube: Part 4 of "How to Pack for Your Motorcycle Trip"

Written by Eric Lange | December 14, 2011

Continuing with this topic of “How to Pack for Your Motorcycle Trip,” the video for Part 4 is now up on the RIDE Adventures YouTube Channel.

Some of the tips and tools we’re pointing out here might be very basic, but motorcycle travelers both new and experienced can benefit from ideas like “how should you carry your spare key?” 

Obviously, it’s difficult to comment with more accuracy about the specific tools and things you’ll need for your specific motorcycle, (every bike has its own list of necessities) so please be sure to research that thoroughly before you depart!

Some highlights from Part 4:

Multi-tool – Aside from the unique toolset you’ll gather for your motorbike, it’s a good idea to carry something like a Leatherman® or other multi-tool at all times.  Useful for much more than just working on the bike, you’ll find constant uses for something like this.

Fuel Transfer – Just a simple plastic, 2-meter hose can be used to transfer fuel if needed from another source anytime.  You can carry along spare cans/bottles at all times if you wish, but how often really are you going to need that?  (Depends on where you’re going of course.)  Citizens of the world everywhere are enthused about helping motorcycle travelers, and if you put yourself in a position to occasionally siphon fuel from them, there’s no telling what fantastic people you’ll make connections with.  (Yes, they’re probably on Facebook, too.)

Spare Key – How will you carry yours?  See the embedded video for Part 4, and learn about a simple way to make sure you’ve always got your key with you.  A basic Velcro watchband can be used to attach a key that will stay with you through showers, swimming, riding, or whatever.  If you hide your extra key in a backpack that gets stolen or lost, what purpose will that serve when you’re in the middle of the Uyuni Salt Flats of Bolivia with a broken key?  It gets really, really cold there at night….

Plastic Zip Ties - Possibly the worlds cheapest, lightest, smallest, yet most useful tool.  (Second only to a sincere smile : )  Grab a handful of these and keep them in your bike and in your mind when something falls about.  As a broken zipper, a missing fender bolt, a simple spacer needed…a basic bushing or vibration protection….the list of uses goes on and on.

Baby Wipes – Especially depending on what countries you’ll be traveling through, toilet paper might be an extremely rare luxury to come by.  But these simple Huggies® or other baby wipes are available everywhere there’s babies, and can help keep you clean in a number of ways.  Haven’t found a shower in a few days?  Wipe down with them.  Random, roadside bathroom needs?  You’re all set.  Just changed your flat tire, and now your hands are a ridiculous mess?  They’ll clean you up quickly.  Just please be sure to always dispose of them properly!

Micro-Fiber Visor Cleaner – Don’t start your trip with your brand new motorcycle helmet and clean the visor with cotton or paper towels, or you’ll be blinded with scratches after about 4 uses.  Instead, visit an eyewear kiosk or some place that sells micro-fiber towels made from synthetic materials, safe for cleaning plastics.

Protect Your Hearing – It might not seem dangerous, but the noises that are generated from wind buffeting within a helmet can often be over 90 decibels (which medical experts routinely remind us is the point where hearing loss can occur.)  Protect your eardrums at all times by riding with simple foam earplugs, or better yet, custom-fitted hearing protection.  Once tinnitus sets in and that ringing noise is ever-present in your ears, you’ll wish you had better protected them many miles earlier.

Hydration Pack – A hydration pack, just a simple backpack with a water bladder inside, is an excellent way to make sure you stay hydrated easily and without having to stop riding just to drink!  While riding, the winds, sun, and heat all combine to de-hydrate us more rapidly than our intuition might lead to believe.  Constantly stopping to open a water bottle and chug can be a real hassle, so just wear something like a Camelbak® product and easily sip water all day long.  (Not to mention, re-filling a water pack with tap water, instead of buying and disposing of plastic bottles that are filled with the same tap watermight be better for our planet!)

Be sure to see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this video series on the RIDE Adventures YouTube Channel, and contact us as always if you have questions or need help preparing for your motorcycle tour or rental!  (And yes, we’re glad to help even if you’re just riding your own bike : )