RIDE Adventures Tours & Rentals

How to Carry Your Spare Key on Long Distance Motorcycle Trips?

Written by Eric Lange | December 20, 2011

Where will you hide your spare key during long distance motorcycle travels?

Since you’ll be away from home or any reliable source of retrieving spare keys, you’ll need to have one with you.  But what’s the best way to keep the extras safe while on the road?

One great way to make sure a key is always with you is by wearing it on your wrist.  Just buy a simple Velcro watch band/strap, and attach it (as shown in the photo above and video below.)  If the watchband is of any reasonable quality, you can literally live with the key always on your wrist, showering, sleeping, and riding every day.  Never take it off. 

Storing your keys somewhere that requires other keys to access them is just a bad idea.  Jackets and backpacks can be stolen or lost, pockets can rip or accidentally unzip, and we all know how secure motorcycle tank bags can be. 

It might seem like it’ll be a nuisance or constantly in the way, but it won’t take long for you to find the right strap tension and position for the key and forget that it’s even there.  Until you actually need it of course!