RIDE Adventures Tours & Rentals

Summertime, and charity rides like the 9th Annual WSFM Ride

Written by Eric Lange | June 7, 2012

Even in the northernmost of the United States like Wisconsin, you know summertime is here!

Snow shovels are now in hibernation, the Harleys have come back to life, and smack in the middle of summer for Wisconsinites is the 9th Annual Wisconsin State Firefighters Memorial Ride, set for Saturday, July 28th.  With proceeds from the rally going directly to the Memorial fund, there need not be more reasons to participate.

Look past that though.  Look past the financial contributions that memorial funds like the W.S.F.M. receive from events like this, and think about what such memorials represent.  Think about what events like Rolling Thunder in Washington D.C. represent, and the people that put us in a position to enjoy such opportunities to meet other motorcycle riders and ride together.

No matter what country you're from or whether you actually ride motorcycles or not, remember that there were people who gave everything to keep us safe.

That's all.