RIDE Adventures Tours & Rentals

First posting from this Patagonia Motorcycle Tour

Written by Eric Lange | March 13, 2013

Dawn just cracked a smile upon us in the valley of the Futaleufu River on the Chilean side of beautiful Patagonia.  Riders are still sleeping here at the lodge, there’s a bit of frost on the seats of the bikes, and some of the most fantastic motorcycle in the world still lies ahead.

The riders in the photos have been looking forward this trip for quite some time, as plans started taking shape for it back in July of 2012.  The idea was to get a bunch of us from the motorcycle industry together for something other than the typical motorcycle rally, and Patagonia was the first suggestion brought to the idea table.

We all met up in Osorno, Chile on Monday, and since then have been riding through the national parks, Andes Mountains, ski villages and faces of northern Patagonia.   Time as tight for this writer, as there’s so much to do on these tours, but enjoy a few pics for now.  Internet connectivity won’t be available again until Friday night at a lodge on the shores of Lago General Carrera in Chile.
CHECK OUT UPCOMING DATES to join a "Patagonia Experience" Motorcycle Tour in the Andes

Along the shores of Lago Nahuel Haupi above, we had a chance to visit with “Che” and a new puppy for a quick photo opp.  His handlers say Che is now at 100kg/220lbs, and his head makes our motorcycle helmets all look like XS’s.

Arden Kysely is with us from Rider Magazine and will be documenting his first trip into Patagonia by motorcycle.  A well-known, written, and experienced motorcycle traveler, surely you’ve seen his other work in the magazine itself or their blog online.  See his first posting from the trip here on this link.

More below, the Parque Nacional Los Alerces leads us into Futaleafu, where Erik from Twisted Throttle is admiring the early signs of what’s ahead!