RIDE Adventures Tours & Rentals

How to Pack for Your Motorcycle Trip: The Short Version

Written by Eric Lange | October 21, 2013

If you've booked your motorcycle rental or some kind of adventure ride with us and need to figure out the best way to transport all your clothes, riding gear, and travel items, this short version of our "How to Pack" video series sums it all up nicely for you! It's a low-cost, reliable way to make sure you're not stuck figuring out a plan for your excess luggage.

1) Start with 2 Duffel Bags, about 100 liters each.

  • The 1st bag, which should be water and dustproof, is used for carrying your daily clothes, blue jeans, shirts, underwear, etc.
  • The 2nd bag is dedicated to carrying your motorcycle gear, boots, jackets, helmet, etc.
2) When you arrive at your destination, you'll empty the 2nd bag by putting on your motorcycle gear each day
3) Slide the empty bag into the bottom of your 1st bag, and enjoy your motorcycle trip!
With this simple 2 Piece Duffel Bag System, you don't have to worry about storing or transporting hard, cumbersome suitcases (which are not allowed in the support trucks of most guided tours anyway.) The empty bag will also act as a form of protection in the bottom of the 1st bag, such that hard objects inside the bag aren't rubbing against hard surfaces on the back of your rental motorcycle, or the bed of the support truck in the case of a guided tour.
Again, hard-case traditional "square" luggage should have no place in motorcycle travel. I've personally been traveling with this 2-Duffel system for over 5 years now, and haven't had a single problem with it. Sure, it takes some creativity to make sure the peak/visor of my dual sport helmet doesn't get knocked off in transit, but that's not too tough to figure out.
So check out the video below, and let us know if you have any questions!
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