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Customer Experiences

"Exactly one year ago today I was rolling into Ushuaia.
And yeah, the trip was a hoot. I had a fantastic ride, from beginning to end. And much of the credit for making that possible goes to you and your crew. Ulli got me set up nicely to start, and I had no troubles with the bike from then until Samuel came to retrieve it in Puerto Natales two weeks later.
I rode from Pucón over into Argentina, then back into Chile at Futaleufú, down the Carreterra Austral, back into Argentina at Chile Chico, rode out to the cueva de las manos, and then after stopping for a rest and some hiking in El Chaltén for a couple of nights, rode down to Ushuaia before heading back up to Puerto Natales to drop off the bike, and then by bus over to Torres del Paine N.P. for a few days before flying back home.

The weather cooperated (I never once rode through anything more than a drizzle), the bike ran great, I always found a decent place to sleep and eat, I never had any trouble with [bureaucrats] at any border crossings, and I never ran out of gas.
No. Wait. I did run out of gas once.
So yeah, the whole thing rocked. Wish I was there now."

- David Wood from Oregon in the U.S. set out on a solo motorcycle trip through Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego all the way to Ushuaia at "The End of the World!" Thanks for commenting that our Patagonia motorcycle rentals performed well for you, and that you enjoyed your trip, David!